A little ditty to start things off:
No money? No problem,
We can still get it right
No sponsor, no venue?
Well, it might be a fight
Oh dear, what now
However shall we cope?
No chance, no hope
No way, no how,
Now that's no way to talk
Keep your eye on the ball
And hit it out the park
Awshucks, that's out
It's the end of our rope
No chance, no hope
Chin up, old boy
This ain't no time to fret
Batten down the hatches
You ain't seen nothing yet
When your blood and tears
Are up there in the lights
They'll hem, they'll haw
And tell you 'meh, it's all right'
So stand fast, hold on,
This ain't no time to mope
Take a chance, there's hope
Even if they say